so, you’re stuck…

In life. In your career. In relationships that feel more “meh” than magic.

You say yes when your whole soul is screaming NOPE.
You do things out of obligation instead of genuine excitement.
You feel uncertain and unfulfilled ,
and—let’s be real—maybe even a little guilty for wanting more when you already have so much.

But what if you could have:

  • a fulfilling life in which you’re connecting with really great people,

  • living purposefully, with easy relationships and meaningful work,

  • a life so good you’d swear you rigged the system?

yes, please!

You’d love to make a change, but… where do you even start?

So, you settle. And who pays the price? You.

(Oh, and your confidence, your happiness, your relationships, and your future self.)

it’s time to get your arse in gear.

Why? Because your desire is even bigger than you. Here’s a little secret: You’ve got something important within you that the world needs. And to live the purpose you’re here for, you’ve got to get unstuck. and start living the life you’re meant to live.

Lucky for you, I’ve mapped it all out. No guessing, no overthinking—just follow the steps. Easy peasy.

four steps to get unstuck and get your arse in gear.

(psst…click ‘em!👇🏻)

and if you want to be the coolest kid on the block, click here👇🏻:

proof I’m not making this up


proof I’m not making this up *

hello! I’m Linda Bucher

I’m Linda Bucher (now Harrigan ‘cause I just got married 👰🏻‍♀️!!!).

Before I knew what I know now, my life was riddled with difficulties and loss, powerlessness and overwhelm (more about my story here).

Today, I live a fulfilling life that I’ve created for myself…

  • connecting with wonderful, supportive people;

  • living my purpose, doing meaningful work;

  • engaged in healthy, loving relationships;

a life so good, I can’t seem to swipe the smile off my face!

what I do

I literally have the BEST job in the world! I empower high-potential people like you to get unstuck, get to the next level, and create a life you enjoy.

It’s my superpower.

why I do it

Because each and every one of us have important gifts to give to the world, AND we each have a rich, full life to lead. And you can’t do either if your stuck where you are.

how I do it

I coach. I mentor. I speak. I podcast. And after 16 years of helping people break free from the “meh” and step into their “hella yes,” I’ve nailed down a framework that works. Click to check it out.

the bigger why

Imagine a world in which each of us truly sees ourselves and knows our worth. When that happens, not only do we live the rich full life we’re meant to live, we can use our unique gifts to make big, beautiful ripples that leave a legacy of positive shifts in their wake.

So, yeah…I’m on a mission to inspire and impact millions of people to know their worth, live into their potential, love their lives, and share their gifts, deliberately leaving the world a better place.

Linda Bucher Harrigan Master Life Coach Buffalo NY Get Unstuck, Get to the Next Level, Get the Most Out of Life

Enough about me. Just know that I will get you unstuck and to the next level so you can get more out of life.

And the best part is that when you’re living your best life, you’ll have a ripple effect, making your world — and beyond — a better place.

it starts by getting unstuck

Here are those easy peasy steps again:

four steps to get unstuck and get your arse in gear.

(psst…click ‘em!👇🏻)

and if you want to be the coolest kid on the block, you’ll want to click here, too👇🏻: